• Tuesday, 25 March 2025 / 25 Ramadan 1446

Sirah wa al-Ziyārāt (History and the Places of Ziyārah on Hajj and ʿUmrah)

The History and the Places of Ziyārah on Hajj and ʿUmrah course by Shaykh Riyadh Walls sheds light on some of the most important History lessons pertaining to Hajj and Umrah. Hujjaaj will naturally be visiting sites of special historic and religious significance on their journey and being well-informed of the relevant historical significance enhances one’s experience of and connection to these places. Join Shaykh Riyadh Walls on a journey through the History of Makkah, Madinah, the Life of the Prophet sallāLlāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam and the historically-rich places of our islamic heritage.

History and the Places of Ziyārah Part 1 (Online Course)

By: Shaykh Riyadh Walls

Introduction to the course by Sh. Riyadh Walls – “Pre-Islamic” History, The story and importance of Makkah and the history of Makkah.

History and the Places of Ziyārah Part 2 (Online Course)

By: Shaykh Riyadh Walls

Introducing the lay of the land and the cartography of Makkah.

History and the Places of Ziyārah Part 3 (Online Course)

By: Shaykh Riyadh Walls

The History of the Haram (Masjid al-Haram) and the Ka’bah.

History and the Places of Ziyārah Part 4 (Online Course)

By: Shaykh Riyadh Walls

The History of the Haram and the surrounding area continued.

History and the Places of Ziyārah Part 5 (Lecture)

By: Shaykh Riyadh Walls

The History of the surrounding lands of Makkah and the relevant Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad sallā Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam, pertaining to those places.

History and the Places of Ziyārah Part 6 (Online Course)

By: Shaykh Riyadh Walls

The History of the surrounding lands of Makkah and the relevant Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad sallā Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam, pertaining to those places. Continued.

History and the Places of Ziyārah Part 7 (Online Course)

By: Shaykh Riyadh Walls

The History of the Hijrah and the cartography of the related places surrounding its events.

History and the Places of Ziyārah Part 8 (Online Course)

By: Shaykh Riyadh Walls

The History of Masjid al-Nabawi and the special significance of some of the places therein.

History and the Places of Ziyārah Part 9 (Online Course)

By: Shaykh Riyadh Walls - Monday, 15 April 2019

The History of the Ziyārāt places in and around Madīnah and the special significance of some of these places.