• Tuesday, 25 March 2025 / 25 Ramadan 1446

Spiritual Dimensions of Hajj and ʿUmrah

The Spiritual Dimensions of Hajj and ʿUmrah course by Mln. Dawood Sampson sheds light on some of the most important spiritual lessons and advices pertaining to Hajj and Umrah. Hujjaaj will be undertaking the journey of a lifetime and this journey is symbolic of the journey back to Allah in the hereafter. In Surah al-Hajj, Allah commences the surah with a description of the Day of Judgment. This is indicative of the nature of Hajj and the significance it supposed to have in the life of the Hajji. This course seeks to shed light on the inner dimensions of the symbolism of Hajj and Umrah.

By: Mawlana Dawood Sampson

Spiritual Dimensions of Hajj and Umrah Part 1 (Lecture)

By: Mawlana Dawood Sampson

Mln. Dawood Sampson gives an introduction to the course. Topics covered: The Importance of knowledge, Receiving the news of your invitation for Hajj, Spiritual Reformation and spiritual reflection on the journey of Hajj.

Spiritual Dimensions of Hajj and Umrah Part 2 (Lecture)

By: Mawlana Dawood Sampson

Topics covered: Prepare and the best preparation is Taqwa, All roads to Makkah, The virtues of Hajj and the blessings one usually receives through this journey.

Spiritual Dimensions of Hajj and Umrah Part 3 (Lecture)

By: Mawlana Dawood Sampson

Topics covered: The humbling nature of Hajj, Wasting time – wasting the opportunities of Hajj, Visiting and greeting the Prophet sallā Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam and the effect of the aẓān on the hearts of the believers.

Spiritual Dimensions of Hajj and Umrah Part 4 (Lecture)

By: Mawlana Dawood Sampson

Topics covered: The humbling nature of Hajj, Wasting time – wasting the opportunities of Hajj, Visiting and greeting the Prophet sallā Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam and the effect of the aẓān on the hearts of the believers.

Spiritual Dimensions of Hajj and Umrah Part 5 (Lecture)

By: Mawlana Dawood Sampson

Topics Covered: Hajj will teach one true humility, the importance of understanding and perfecting the Salaah, dhikr and tahajjud.

Spiritual Dimensions of Hajj and Umrah Part 6 (Lecture)

By: Mawlana Dawood Sampson

Topics Covered: Duʿā/supplicating to Allah and how to supplicate to Allah on Hajj.

Spiritual Dimensions of Hajj and Umrah Part 7 (Lecture)

By: Mawlana Dawood Sampson

Topics covered: The spiritual dimensions of the ṭawāf and dhikr – remembering Allah alone and in a gathering.

Spiritual Dimensions of Hajj and Umrah Part 8 (Lecture)

Topics covered: On the path to Madinah al-Munawwarah and the virtues of salawāt.

Spiritual Dimensions of Hajj and Umrah Part 9 (Lecture)

By: Mawlana Dawood Sampson

Topics covered: Being Allah’s guest, gearing up for Ramaḍān, cleaning the heart with the Qur’an and the remembrance of Allah.

Spiritual Dimensions of Hajj and Umrah Part 10 (Lecture)

By: Mawlana Dawood Sampson - Monday, 15 April 2019

Topics Covered: Prepare and the best preparation is taqwa, the most outstanding Ḥajji, the spiritual dimensions of iḥrām, spiritual dimensions of the days of ḥajj.